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What Is Bitcoin Mining? How to Get Started

What Is Bitcoin Mining: One way to create Bitcoin, digital money, is through a process known as mining. In Bitcoin mining, participants compete throughout the network to find a cryptographic solution that meets certain requirements. When a solution is found, the miner(s) who worked the hardest to get there first get a reward—bitcoin and fees for their efforts. There will be 21 million bitcoins in circulation when this award procedure ends. After that amount is reached, the Bitcoin incentive will likely stop, and miners will get fees for their efforts instead.

How Does Bitcoin Mining Work?

To illustrate the procedure, below is a simplified example. Suppose you wanted your pals to predict a number from 1 to 100. They need just be the first to predict a number that is either smaller than or equal to your number; precise guessing is not required. Someone loses if they estimate more than 19 when you think of the number 19, for example if a friend guesses 21, 55, and 83. What Is Bitcoin Mining: The following estimates, however, are 16, 41, and 67, and they have another chance to guess—the first person to guess a number less than or equal to 19 wins. The person who got 16 was the first.

For this example, the target hash that the Bitcoin network generates for a block is 19, and your friends’ random estimates stand in for the miners’ ideas. The only difference is the size of Bitcoin mining. It employs cryptography, encryption, distributed computing, and other technological means to ensure the safety of financial transactions. These are the fundamental principles of mining that allow it to function.

The Hash

Hash functions as the key component of Bitcoin mining. The output of running a data block through the SHA256 hashing algorithm is the hash, a hexadecimal value with 64 bits. You can build a hash in under a second by pasting some material into an online SHA256 hash generator; this phase of the process is really quick. Bitcoin uses this encryption method to generate block hashes. Deciphering a 64-digit hash with current hardware can take millennia, so getting back to the copied content is tricky.

You can alter the hash value by changing a single value in that content, such as switching between them. This is the identical text with the initial word typed Aa rather than At. As part of the encryption process, the header of the following block uses this number, known as the block hash. Blockchain is derived from using the hash of a previous block to link subsequent blocks together.

Target Hash

The number miners strive to solve for when they mine is known as the target hash, which is utilized to establish the mining difficulty. This is a hash that the network has produced.


The mining program must compute a hash and add a second number, the nonce, which means “number used once.” This process is part of Bitcoin mining. Every time a miner starts up, it sets this value to zero. Every time you try, the nonce will be one number different: 0, 1, 2, 3, etc. If the miner’s hash and nonce exceed the network-set target hash, the attempt is considered unsuccessful, and the miner attempts again.

All miners on the network will keep doing this until they find a combination of hash and nonce equal to or lower than the desired hash. What Is Bitcoin Mining: When that threshold is met, the first person whose proposed block is included in the chain gets the reward and fees, and a new block is opened. Blocks are sealed, encrypted, and mined after they contain enough data—roughly one megabyte.

Thousands of devices mine Bitcoin continuously around the clock. Everyone is in a race to be the first to solve the challenge and get the mining reward. Since more processing power meant a better chance of winning, miners formed pools to pool their resources and compete more effectively.

On July 3, 2024 (that’s 578 followed by 18 zeroes), the average mining rate of the Bitcoin network was a little over 578 exa-hashes per second. If mining a block takes around 10 minutes, opening a new block requires approximately 3.4 x 1023 hashes.2


The mining mining technique is known as proof-of-work (PoW). The effort to obtain the winning hash is evidence that the miner verified the transactions in the block, which is why the name.

Although proof-of-work is just one consensus component, the term “consensus mechanism” is sometimes used to describe PoW. Once the miner adds the block to the blockchain, the hashes allow the rest of the network to validate it, and consensus is reached. Since every mining node does this when it mines the most recent block, the energy and computational power needed are minimal. The network verifies each newly added block.


Because every block stores the hash of the one before it, the following block’s hash is always incorporated. Remember that the hash will change for every subsequent block if even a single character is changed.

What Is Bitcoin Mining: Closing a block after mining it does not yet confirm it. Five blocks later, it is deemed confirmed it is deemed confirmed once the block has undergone six validations. While modifying a block’s contents before completing six validations is theoretically feasible, doing so would require network control, making it very improbable.


Bitcoin is the currency that is awarded for validating a block. If you had mined a block in 2009, you would have gotten 50 bitcoins. The payout for a block decreased from 25 to 12.5 and finally to 6.25 in 2013 due to the halving of the value every 210,000 blocks, or approximately every four years. The reward was adjusted to 3.125.3 BTC during the most recent halving event in April 2024. The Genesis block is the initial entry in the Bitcoin blockchain. The first fifty bitcoins ever awarded are stored there.

Transaction fees are another perk that encourages Bitcoin miners to become involved. Every transaction in a block pays the miners fees and incentives. Network users will pay fees to miners when Bitcoin reaches its specified limit of 21 million, estimated to be around 2140. Miners will then be compensated for processing transactions. The continuation of the blockchain network depends on miners continuing to mine, which these payments guarantee. This is because once halved events are over; these fees will stay low due to competitiveness.


What makes mining tough is the amount of effort required to produce a hash value lower than the goal hash. The difficulty of mining varies every 2,016 blocks or about every two weeks. The previous cycle’s previous cycle’s efficiency and number of miners determine the next difficulty level.

The network that controls Bitcoin can raise or lower the hash rate, which is the computational power required to mine the coin. The difficulty of a problem is directly proportional to the number of miners trying to solve it. What Is Bitcoin Mining: The difficulty of mining the blockchain decreases as processing power is removed from the network. The goal is to maintain block times of around 10 minutes on average.

On May 1, 2024, there were 83.7 trillion steps to the mining difficulty level. Therefore, the probability of a computer generating a hash that falls short of the target is 1 in 83.7 trillion. In perspective, the odds of winning the Powerball Grand Prize with just one lottery ticket are almost 286,000 times lower than correctly identifying the hash on a single attempt.45

What Are the Economics of Mining Bitcoin?

What Are the Economics of Mining Bitcoin?

Mining bitcoins is a commercial enterprise. The output, bitcoin, and the profits it generates are directly proportional to the resources poured into it.

There are three main costs involved in Bitcoin mining:

  • Electricity: This power source always powers your mining systems. Mining can be expensive. The procedure is expensive, especially since it utilizes as much power as certain countries 6Include the cost of cooling your mining system’s space. Mining generates more heat as the number of units increases. These rigs need air conditioning, which raises prices.
  • Mining systems: Despite common assumptions, anyone with a desktop computer or other gaming equipment can mine in a pool. Most pools base returns on miner effort, limiting returns. These systems can’t compete with ASIC mining equipment but can save a few hundred dollars on electricity. Join a pool and buy numerous ASIC miners for $4,000–$12,00 to compete. Faster mining will cost you more.
  • Network infrastructure: Latency affects Bitcoin mining, but network speeds don’t. A connection’s latency is its time to reach network nodes. Mining farms need many internal connections to connect all equipment with internet connectivity to a central router or server. Mining on your gaming rig and joining a pool requires low latency to the pool.

For a profit, your venture’s output (e.g., the price of Bitcoin) must surpass the sum of its three inputs. Minting your Bitcoin could be a way to profit from its fluctuating value.

History of Bitcoin Mining

The current structure and makeup of Bitcoin mining result from two advancements. The network was centralized through the custom fabrication of Bitcoin mining devices. Since Bitcoin mining is a game of chance, the speed with which your devices can generate hashes is crucial to determining whether you will be the first miner to reach the correct answer.


Bitcoin mining was initially done on desktop PCs with ordinary CPUs, but as the algorithm became harder, finding the blockchain network solution took a long time. What Is Bitcoin Mining: Some estimates say CPUs would have taken “several hundred thousand years on average” to solve an early 2015 block.7

GPU Mining

The efficiency and speed of graphics processing units (GPUs), often known as graphics cards, became apparent to miners over time. However, they weren’t built to handle heavy mining and had a high power consumption. Due to the surge in demand for graphics processing units (GPUs), which caused their prices to skyrocket and their availability to decline, manufacturers eventually started limiting their mining capabilities.

ASIC Mining

Application-specific integrated Circuit (ASIC) miners, which cost a few hundred to several thousand dollars, are popular with miners because they use specialized chips to mine Bitcoin faster and more efficiently. Due to the high level of competition in the market, the most recent ASICs are required to mine Bitcoin profitably. Having the most recent unit available isn’t usually enough to compete with larger Bitcoin mining operations and mining pools.

Issues With Bitcoin Mining

One block of transactions is verified about every ten minutes due to scaling difficulty levels, the enormous network of people involved, and the odds of one in 83.7 trillion. 8 Keep in mind that the 10-minute time limit is an objective, not a regulation.


Bitcoin currently handles three to six transactions per second, with the blockchain recording them every 10 minutes. However, 9Visa claims to process 65,000 transactions per second. Despite efforts to upgrade the Bitcoin blockchain and apply second-layer solutions, it cannot handle the volume of transactions that modern banking networks and other blockchains can.


A key concern of the Bitcoin protocol is scalability or the efficiency with which the blockchain can manage more activity. Bitcoin miners may agree that scalability is an issue but are less agreeable to a solution.

Although Bitcoin has been fine-tuned through updates and input from layers that perform most of the work off-chain, scalability remains a problem. Three main concerns surround blockchain regarding adjustments: scalability, security, and decentralization. Modern technology makes it impossible to alter one aspect without influencing the other. For instance, altering the Bitcoin blockchain to make it more scalable would probably lead to less security and greater centralization.

Energy Use

In a time when all activities should be assessed and improved for environmental impact, Bitcoin mining’s massive energy needs have garnered attention. Bitcoin’s energy consumption is caused by its competitive proof-of-work mechanism. Some have speculated that the amount of power required to mine blockchains is equivalent to that of whole nations. Ethereum’s validation mechanism, proof-of-stake, takes a negligible amount of energy compared to Bitcoin’s proof-of-work.

Even though Bitcoin has only been around briefly, its mining process has always been somewhat power-hungry. China, which generates most of its power from fossil fuels like coal, was the epicenter of Bitcoin mining activity in the first decade after its introduction. However, miners were compelled to relocate their activities overseas due to crackdowns in China.

A study out of Cambridge University found that the US is currently home to the bulk of Bitcoin mining activities. The US has 38% of the world’s Bitcoin miners, with Georgia (30.76%), Texas (11.22%), Kentucky (10.93%), and New York (9.77%). Four states account for over 23% of the global energy consumption and, in theory, hashing power for Bitcoin mining.11

The hash rate is the rate at which a computer, miner, or network can solve a cryptographic challenge. For example, the Bitcoin network’s hash rate exceeds 579 exahashes (quintillions) per second. That’s 579 hashes per second, equal to 579 plus 18 zeroes.

Avoiding Bitcoin Mining Scams

Bitcoin and Bitcoin mining, like any other financial product, might attract con artists. Be wary of mining scams before deciding on any software, tools, or networks to start mining if you’re serious about getting into the industry. Be wary of these scams, among others.

  • Cloud Mining Platforms: Websites like this advertise mining power for rent. Before deciding on a service, you should check reviews, ask around, and do your homework; not all of them are scammers.
  • Fake Wallets: Wallets for cryptocurrencies keep your private keys safe. The best way to start mining is to utilize a trustworthy wallet, but thieves can create phony ones.
  • Fake exchanges: Fake exchangers have been known to contact victims via email and social media to deceive or coerce them into transferring money.

While there are many different kinds of scams and frauds to be wary of, the most important thing to remember is that you should never share your passwords, seed phrases, or keys with anybody. As additional advice, never trust someone you’ve only met briefly or have never met in person.

Investing in Bitcoin Mining Stocks

Bitcoin Mining Stocks

Investing in firms that mine Bitcoin is a great way to get a taste of mining without participating or taking risks. Hut 8, Clean Spark, and Marathon Digital Holdings are just a few of the numerous publicly traded companies involved in Bitcoin mining or having ties to it.131415

Does Bitcoin Mining Pay?

A major factor is how much you’ve spent on mining hardware and software. Recouping initial investment and turning a profit could take a long time. A modern high-end gaming PC mining in a pool can earn $1 daily before energy and other costs, assuming daily earnings are more significant than profit and cost.

How Do I Start Bitcoin Mining?

The two requirements for mining Bitcoin are joining a mining pool and installing a mining client. While some pools supply mining software, others merely outline the steps to join many customers. Your computer or mining machine’s speed determines your mining pool reward, which depends on the effort contributed. It is possible to mine alone, but your odds of ever getting paid are quite low.

The Bottom Line

Bitcoin mining, which uses a lot of energy, entails competing cryptography problems and hardware and software mining problems. Confirmation of network transactions is another function of the Bitcoin mining process. What Is Bitcoin Mining: Winning participants are offered Bitcoin as an incentive to take part in the process. Since desktop computers initially mined Bitcoin, large mining organizations with pools of machines worldwide have taken over. Another contentious issue is the enormous quantity of energy required for Bitcoin mining.
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